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    "I have made a very Bad Calculation"

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Marlon
    댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 24-12-24 11:00


    Me and the wife, we good rush brok out in Yandoit, so we went down to start a billiard saloon business. The Melbourne and other merchants insisted on us to start again, if we only put up the store building; we did. Just then a rush brock out in Yandoit and down we went to put up the first hotel in the place called the Yandoit Hotel on which we spent about £ 900 to build the hotel and for forniture, and £ 250 to build a stable at our expense, for Gobbs & Co. coach proprietors to get them to run through Yandoit, to bring traffic to the hotel. We have done good business for a while, and then it ended the same as the Franklin Hotel. The same thing happen with the milk at tea time, there was only a little jag of about ½ pint of milk for 20 persons. On the 19th of May 1855 I left home for Australia, paid £ 22 for the passage right through, I was then 25 years of age, arrived in Hamburg on the 24th and sailed from there with 200 other Swiss for the same destination on the 25 May, arrived in Melbourne on the 10 of September, being on the see 110 from Hamburg to Melbourne.

    The second letter (see "related stories") is one Pozzi mailed home from Melbourne after nearly four months at sea. On the passage we have formed a singing crowd, of about 40 of us, and we did sing I can tell you all the way, all young and happy full of hope of making a fortune in Australia, and then go back home again. We got married by a fat catholic prist at the Mount Franklin Hotel, he charged us, or robed us £ 10 for the performance, then he got dronk and went to sleep in the hotel. I applied for a publican license, and called it Crown Hotel (a big name eh!) I carried on this place from 1868, to 1871, when this old rookery was pulled down for the purpose of building a two story place or an addition to the Old Fellow Hotel that I bought for £ 100 on credit.


    From Melbourne I went to Jim Crow, now called Hepburn, but before I left Melbourne the Captain of our ship offered me a good somme of money, if I would turn traitor to my ship colleague on the question of the ship agreement, but I refused the bribe. In the year 1856, the two brothers, the late Alexander, Stephan and myself, we started a bakery business, on the Old Race Course in Jim Crow, and after a little while we carried also grocery business etc. After 7 months in carrying on this business, the whole concern burnt down and lost about £ 700, and left us ruwined. We bought 2 pack horses and 2 pack saddles, and off we went to the rush of Cadrona with the intention that 3 of us to go out prospecting and the other 2 packing provision to supply us out prospecting also to sell provision to any miner; but through circumstances, my intention and plan was not carried out, instead of that we took up a claim at river Molinou in the Dunstong we were vorking on the bank of the river, but were principally waiting for the water of the bank of the river to go down, with the espectation of coming into good gold; but the river did not go down for us and after scraping for about 4 months I got tired of it and went back to Yandoit in June 1863, and lost £ 90 on this speculation, in the 4 months that we been scraping 2/6, Billiards Club Business Model meat 3/6 and 2 - per lb.

    A the time I was carrying on a branch store in Sailors Hill, near apposite Daylesford; I had £ 92 notes which was to be send down to the store in the Old Race Course, when a friend promise to call and take the money down the day before the fire took place, this friend instead of calling at me, he got dronk so the providence of drunkness save the £ 92 notes. On the 7th of March 1879 I left Hokitika for Christchurch and started gunsmith business, but all along the 11 years that I have been colony went to the dogs althogether, through the misruling of the money bags. We arrived in Melbourne, comming through Sydney, on the 23 feb. 1890. Started the battle of life (without any means exept my tools) in the gunsmith business and all sort of jobs. I first started a shop in Elgin St. Carlton, paid 27 - rent per week, then reduced to 26 -. After about 18 months I took a shop newly builded in Johnston St. No. 40 at 25 - a week rent afterwards reduced to 24 -. On the 15th feb 1895 took a shop in Johnston St. Fitzroy No. 252 at (…) rent per week, and on the 1 May 1900, increased the rent at (…).


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