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    World Pool Rules

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Anita Hethering…
    댓글 0건 조회 75회 작성일 24-11-25 04:21


    Fouls are penalized by subtracting points from the offending player’s score. This is penalized by subtracting two points from the breaker’s score. A breaking foul is penalized by the loss of two points as mentioned under 4.3 Opening Break Shot, as well as a possible re-break. If both a standard foul and a breaking foul happen on one shot, it is considered a breaking foul. For Rule 6.14 Three Consecutive Fouls, only standard fouls are counted, so a breaking foul does not count as one of the three fouls. If such a foul is accidental, it is a standard foul, but if it is intentional, it is 6.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct. 6.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct will be penalized by loss of rack or other penalty depending on the nature of the conduct. For 6.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct, the referee will choose a penalty depending on the nature of the offense. The referee will state when asked whether a ball interferes with the rack. When the cue ball is in hand and restricted to the area behind the head string, it is a foul to play the cue ball from on or below the head string. If only the cue ball interferes, then it is placed as follows: if the object ball is in front of or on the head string, the cue ball is in hand behind the head string; if the object ball is behind the head string, the cue ball is spotted on the head spot, or on the center spot if the head spot is blocked.

    Then the bell sounded for friends to leave the ship, and they said good-bye behind the smoke-stack, What is Billiards Halkett watched the tender drop astern with tears streaming down his face. These said that the choir would keep up their lacerating attempts at melody until they would bring down a storm some day that would sink the ship. Imagine a billiards table aboard a cruise ship. The table is said to be "open" when the players’ groups have not been decided. The object balls are two groups of seven and the black ball. Keep in mind that these two other balls are already on the table and that the cue balls are white and yellow. Snooker is played using twenty-two balls, one of which is the striker ball, which is white. In pool, players use the cue stick to strike a white ball called the cue ball to hit other similar balls into semicircular holes called pockets along the inner edge of the table. If both balls interfere, all fifteen balls are re-racked and the cue ball is in hand behind the head string. The cue ball begins in hand behind the head string. 6.1 Cue Ball Scratch or off the Table The cue ball is in hand behind the head string (see 1.5 Cue Ball in Hand).

    The baulk line is parallel to the head rail and one fifth of the length of the playing surface away from the head cushion. He drew his head away; it had been in close proximity to hers, over the saucer. If the cue ball is close to but not touching an object ball and the cue tip is still on the cue ball when the cue ball contacts that object ball, the shot is a foul. If the cue ball is very close to an object ball, and the shooter barely grazes that object ball on the shot, the shot is assumed not to violate the first paragraph of this rule, even though the tip is arguably still on the cue ball when ball-ball contact is made. The shooter is responsible for the equipment he controls at the table, such as chalk, bridges, clothing, his hair, parts of his body, and the cue ball when it is in hand, that may be involved in such fouls.

    It is a foul to touch, move or change the path of the cue ball except when it is in hand or by the normal tip-to-ball forward stroke contact of a shot. Causing the cue ball to jump over any ball is a foul. Whether that ball is spotted depends on the rules of the game. Playing away from a frozen ball does not constitute having hit that ball unless specified in the rules of the game. A player is said to be snookered when the cue ball has no straight, direct path to hit at least part of a legal target ball. Black ball is played with 15 colored object balls and the cue ball. All fifteen balls are re-racked and the offending player is required to shoot under the requirements of the opening break. If a stalemate occurs (see 1.12 Stalemate), the players will lag again to determine who will shoot an opening break. For an opening break shot, the fifteen balls are racked in a triangle with the apex ball on the foot spot. If the shooter does not have at least one foot touching the floor at the instant the tip contacts the cue ball, the shot is a foul.


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